The next day, Todd gets the news of Brett's suspension from the diving team for signing the Image Magazine contract. Todd runs to find Brett, finding him in the sports award area of the school.

Todd tries to tell Brett how sorry he is that it happened. Brett ignores it - talking at length about the awards in the case and how happy he was when he won them. He begins reliving memories - Todd reminds him that he was there for every one of them. Brett is angry and hurt and blames Todd.

Todd is devistated by what has happened and pleads with Brett not to push him away - but Brett is just too hurt and lost. Diving was his life and now it's gone.

Brett tells Todd he doesn't know what he's going to do now, he only knows that he's going to do it alone. He tells Todd not to do him anymore favors, no matter how good it is or how much money he can make - just leave him alone. Todd turns and walks away from the best friend he's ever known, leaving Brett to stare at the awards.

Todd, determined to try to repair the situation, rushes to the airport to catch Katherine. He finds her about to board the plane to NY and pleads with her to tear up the contract. She tells him that she's sorry about the problems, but she can't tear up the contract - that's just business.

Todd comes home and takes a shower. When he starts to walk out of the bathroom, he hears Brett walk in the room. Brett is talking to the pile of blankets on the bed, thinking that it's Todd in "thinking mode". He told Todd how hurt and upset he is about what's happened and that one of the reasons it hurts so much is because they had such a special relationship. He is going away for a while to think and he'll call when he's ready to talk.

Later, as he practices at the pool, Brett realizes that Dayna is there. She is concerned about him and offers her condolences to him. They begin to talk and eventually become very close.

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