After a sleepless night, Todd manages to sleep through the study group at Dayna's apartment. He apologizes and prepares to leave. Noticing her bulletin board contained both a dancer's calendar and a photo of diver Brett, Todd gets a brainstorm and decides to do a calendar of ASU male athletes, knowing women would go nuts for it.

On his way out the door to start his enterprise, he dances around the room and then kisses Dayna, who gave him the idea. She isn't sure what idea she gave him, and when Molly asked what was up, Dayna shrugged. She told Molly that he saw a picture of Brett on the board and went nuts. Molly jokes that under pressure, latent tendancies always come out.

Todd goes to work to develop his idea. Working feverishly through the night, he discovers that his income potential is $40,000. Initial investment needs, however, are $12,000. He decides to search for financing.

First he tries to sell his idea to traditional financial institutions. After being thrown out of each one in turn and taking out his frustration on his sweet baby blue mustang convertable, he goes "downtown" where he is also denied.

Standing outside the latest failure, he sees a notice on the phone. It reads: Need money, call Cactus Jack. He takes a number in desperation and calls.

Cactus Jack (CJ) meets Todd in the desert and promptly pulls a gun on him. After he shoots the rattlesnake away from Todd's feet, they talk business. Todd tells him his idea and CJ gives Todd $12,000, telling him he owes the balance plus 30% in 30 days. Here they are discussing the 30 days and when he asked what happens if he's late, CJ tells him that they meet back here but they don't have as much fun.

In the meantime, friend Dayna and roommate Brett meet in a local grocery store. Dayna is short on cash and Brett saves the day. Dayna, however, is too shy to talk to Brett and doesn't even realize how much Brett notices her.

After securing the loan, Todd knows he has to have help with low overhead. Off to talk to Molly he goes. (just to explain - Molly and Todd have a very odd, antagonistic relationship. She is a bleeding heart who preaches what she believes to everyone who will listen and she thinks Todd is a chauvinistic, money-hungry jerk who doesn't care about anything but himself. Despite all this, they are both good people and don't even realize how much attraction there is between them - at least not yet.) Molly is editor of the paper and as such has access to presses, photographers and designers. She laughs at him - telling him how exploitive those calenders are. He follows her, trying to convince her. Finally in desperation, he offers to make a contribution to one of her pet projects. She asks for $1,000 for the homeless project she is doing a fundraiser for. At first he balks, but she finally wins.

Todd follows Molly into the laundry room, trying to get his money's worth. They iron out how they are going to do all of this, all the time with Molly assuring him that this is just to raise money for her cause.

Now it's time to get the atheletes for the calendar. Everyone is thrilled about it, except the potential cover boy - roommate Brett. He isn't interested in doing anything except diving and doesn't want to be distracted. Todd struggles to convince him that it won't be any trouble at all. Brett knows Todd better than that and refuses.

Not one to be put off, Todd fakes hurting himself and Brett rushes to his side. Telling Brett that that proves he cares, how can he possibly say no. Brett finally gives in and when Todd assures him that he won't be sorry, laughs and says, "I already am".

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