After getting the signed contract to Katherine, Todd begins paying off his debts - starting with Molly.

She is thrilled with the contribution to the homeless charity that she supports. Then Todd tells her there's something else he want to do with her.

He begins to tell her that Image Magazine wants to be a part of the charity dive. They want to announce at the dive that Brett is their new model. At first she says no, but when he appeals to the fact that they will make even more money for her pet charity, she gives in - with conditions.

She tells Todd that under no circumstances will they be allowed to turn this into a circus. No ponies, no clowns, no cotton candy - well, you get the picture. Todd agrees and they each go off to take care of their respective duties.

For Todd that, of course, means making money. Here he shares his marketing ideas with Brett.

Brett approves, but it's time for him to dive - so he's off. Todd puts away the "toys" and heads over to the pool to watch Brett dive.

While waiting for Brett to dive, Todd sells a calendar to the girl next to him. He didn't realize the man behind him was a diving official. The official looked at the calendar and asked about the guys getting paid. Todd told him that he didn't pay anyone and no one was benefitting except the guy on the cover.

Even though he wasn't supposed to tell anyone about Brett's deal, he couldn't resist. He tells the guy that he should check out the January issue of Image Magazine. Little did he know that signing for promotion was against college diving rules and he had just put Brett in danger of violating the rules.

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